my last week at work

my last week at work

After almost 7 years of working for the same company it is kind of strange to know that all the daily and weekly routines will be over in a week. The coworkers know about my plans since the first week of january and all of them are curious about them. Every morning people are asking me when my last day will be and where I’ll travel first, even people I never worked with are now interested in what I am doing.


It makes me delighted the not a single one of the people I spoke with are positive about when I plan to do. Some are jealous, some curious, anxious about the dangers I am getting into but all of them wished me luck and told me that it was the right decision.


This morning I bought another raincoat because I fear that the poncho I got a few weeks ago might not hold on long enough and I dont want to walk with wet clothes. This should be the last piece of clothes I replace before the start.


I’ll have a doctors appointment tomorrow to get prescripted medecine to take with me. I dont want to rely on the standard ones when I am in serious agony. I am not a big fan of taking pills. It must have been a few years I haven’t toaken something against a headache or a stomacache. But you never know what will happen on trail and I want to be prepared against the worst, especially when there is no way of seeing a doctor for the next few days.



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